Sierra Elementary PTA
Where do your fundraising dollars go?
Sierra PTA earns money through its membership drive, donations and various fundraising programs throughout the school year, including the Fall Fundraiser, Silent Auction, BoxTops for Education and events held in conjunction with local vendors. These monies are used by the PTA in two ways: to fund its annual budget and to provide the Sierra with equipment, programs or technology not otherwise provided for by the school’s operating funds.
The majority of the PTAs annual budget is allocated to educational events and programs for students and staff, while some goes toward administrative costs such as insurance and office expenses. Sierra PTA also pays membership dues on behalf of its members to the county and state PTA. No officers or volunteers are compensated beyond reimbursement for money paid out of pocket to support a committee, event or program.
The PTA spends any income that exceeds the annual budget on special projects or acquisitions for Sierra. In past years, the PTA has purchased technology, playground equipment and classroom materials for the school . Many times, requests for these purchases have come from staff or faculty, though the final decision on how to spend these excess funds is ultimately decided by a vote of the PTA General Membership.
If you have any questions about PTA fundraising activities or its budget, please contact any member of the PTA Executive Board. Be sure to attend the general membership meeting when the proposed annual budget is presented and put to a vote of the members.
PTA Annual Programs
Money raised by the PTA provides the following programs and events throughout the school year:
5th grade continuation ▪ ExCEL classroom enrichment ▪ foreign language classes ▪ health screening ▪ ice cream social ▪ popsicles for Field Day ▪ Reflections art program ▪ room parents and class parties ▪ Sabertooth News monthly newsletter ▪ Science Fair ▪ marquee ▪ student directory ▪ teacher conference dinners ▪ teacher grants ▪ teacher appreciation brunch (and many more...)
PTA Special Programs
Just in the past few years money raised by Sierra PTA has purchased:
Smartboards for all Sierra classrooms
A $35,000 playground structure
Art room stools
Portable whiteboards for Sierra class- rooms
20 DVD players and 9 computer carts furnished with document cameras, projectors, and notebook computers
An additional $1,500 for Sierra's Science Fair.